Cement Grinding Aid

Our additives can enhance cement quality, improve grinding efficiency, and reduce production costs.

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Additives are materials added while grinding the cement in either a ball mill or vertical roll mill to reduce the agglomeration of cement particles by neutralizing the static charges to improve the throughput or the performance of the cement.

Fosroc’s cement grinding solutions work as grinding aids and performance enhancers, and our other special products meet various objectives of the comminution process of cement plants such as cement mills, raw mills and coal mills.

Fosroc provides services like dispensing dosing pumps and storage tanks, and our cement experts will assist you in conducting plant trials.

With our technical experts, we evaluate materials in our labs and propose tailored solutions for you. We also provide on-site support during product application to ensure the product is fully optimised according to the conditions and specifications.

Supporting documents for Cement Grinding Aid

Additive added while grinding the cement either in Ball mill or vertical roller mill to reduce the agglomeration by neutralizing charges on the cement particles and improve the grinding efficiency .This process enhances the through put of the mill and also reduces the energy consumption.

Product ranges - Cemax 102S, Cemax 333 and Cemax 327.

These are second generation of cement additives, added during the Grinding of cement to improves, cement quality, increase the loading of supplementary cementitious material like Fly ash, slag and lime maintaining the cement quality   by advanced chemical reactions. Performance enhancers also improve the clinker grind ability in addition to above properties.

 Product range - Cemax 415 and Cemax 460.

These are air entraining agents for masonry cement.

Product range - Cemax AE500, Cemax AE600 and Cemax 675.

Cement Grinding Aid Case Studies

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