Renderoc SFR

For the rapid reinstatement of small, localised areas of concrete.

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Main uses

Renderoc SFR is specially formulated to carry out permanent repairs of any type on concrete and masonry.  It is a high resistance reinstatement mortar modified with polymers and fibers to provide a mortar with compensated shrinkage and excellent thermal compatibility with concrete, essential for long-lasting structural repair.  The mortar is appropriate when high resistance is required against chlorides and carbon dioxide.


  • Rapid setting.
  • Compensated shrinkage. 
  • Its formulation makes it suitable for application without shuttering on vertical surfaces and ceilings, with the subsequent time and cost savings.
  • Excellent adherence to concrete substrate.
  • Low permeability.  Special additives ensure optimum density providing maximum protection against carbon dioxide and chloride ions.


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