Renderoc HBF

Renderoc HBF is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry powders which requires only the site addition of clean water to produce high density and multipurpose render.
The material is based on Portland cements, graded aggregates, and chemical additives which provide a mortar with good handling characteristics and workability.
Shrinkage compensation and water resistance
The low water requirement ensures early strength and long-term durability.

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Main uses

  • Renderoc HBF is designed for application to minor imperfections in concrete and masonry surfaces and filling honeycombs.
  • Renderoc HBF is alkaline in nature and will protect embedded steel reinforcement.
  • It is specifically designed for vertical and overhead repair work.
  • Suitable for where required resistance to carbon dioxide, and chloride.


  • Can be applied quickly and efficiently
  • May be hand or machine applied
  • Extremely low permeability to carbon dioxide and chlorides
  • Excellent bond to the substrate
  • Shrinkage compensation
  • Contains no chloride admixtures

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