Galvashield XP

Tied-on sacrificial anode units for corrosion prevention and control.

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Main uses

Galvashield anodes are used for the protection of steel rein-forcement embedded in concrete from corrosion. When in-stalled against the steel reinforcement, the anodes passivate the steel, drastically extending its service life.

Galvashield XP embedded galvanic anodes series are used in concrete rehabilitation and new construction to prevent the formation of new corrosion sites around the perimeter of a repair area or prevent corrosion in new construction.


  • General Patch Repairs.
  • Pre-stressed Concrete.
  • Joints between New and Existing Concrete.
  • Post-tensioning Anchors.
  • Severe Service Conditions.
  • Slab Replacement.
  • High Steel Densities.

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