Cebex CP

Cebex CP is an admixture for cementitious slurries where a low water/cement ratio is required. It improves flow and eliminates pumping and segregation.

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Main uses

  • The expansion system compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement in the cementitious grout.
  • Avoids segregation, ensuring complete protection of cables.
  • Reducing the water /cement ratio and low permeability ensures a long service time.
  • Provides high fluidity slurry to facilitate placement or injection.
  • No iron content, which could cause corrosion, stains or damage.
  • Its composition allows for developing high early strength without the use of chlorides.


  • Kompenserer for plastisk svind
  • Reducere risikoen for segregering
  • Lavt vand/cement sikrer lav permeabilitet og lang levetid
  • Indeholder plastifi cerende stoffer der sikrer høj fl ydeevne ved et lavt vand/cementforhold
  • Ingen indholdsstoffer der kan forårsage korrosion

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